How to use pronouns correctly in basic English grammar? - iWorld Learning
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iWorld Learning - Learn English in Singapore & English course for adults & English for kids

How to use pronouns correctly in basic English grammar?

Pronouns are indispensable tools in English grammar, serving to replace nouns and avoid repetition. Understanding their correct usage is vital for clear and effective communication. In this article, we will explore the various types of pronouns and how to use them accurately in different contexts.

  1. Personal Pronouns:
    • Subject Pronouns: Subject pronouns replace the subject of a sentence. Examples: “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “they”
    • Object Pronouns: Object pronouns replace the object of a verb or preposition. Examples: “me”, “you”, “him”, “her”, “it”, “us”, “them”
    • Possessive Pronouns: Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession. Examples: “mine”, “yours”, “his”, “hers”, “its”, “ours”, “theirs”
  2. Demonstrative Pronouns:
    • This, That, These, Those: Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things or people. Examples: “This is my book.” “Those are your keys.”
  3. Relative Pronouns:
    • Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That: Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses and relate them to the noun or pronoun they modify. Examples: “The girl who is sitting there is my sister.” “The book that you borrowed is overdue.”
  4. Interrogative Pronouns:
    • Who, Whom, Whose, Which, What: Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. Examples: “Who is coming to the party?” “Which movie did you watch?”
  5. Indefinite Pronouns:
    • Some, Any, All, None, Many, Few, Each, Every: Indefinite pronouns refer to nonspecific people or things. Examples: “Somebody called while you were out.” “There is no time left.”
  6. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns:
    • Reflexive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns end in “-self” or “-selves” and refer back to the subject of the sentence. Examples: “I hurt myself.” “He cooked dinner by himself.”
    • Intensive Pronouns: Intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or pronoun in the same sentence. Examples: “I myself saw the accident.” “She herself admitted the mistake.”
  7. Reciprocal Pronouns:
    • Each Other, One Another: Reciprocal pronouns indicate a mutual action or relationship between two or more people or things. Examples: “They love each other.” “The teams compete against one another.”

Understanding how to use pronouns correctly in English grammar will enhance your writing and speaking skills. Practice using pronouns in various contexts to improve your fluency and accuracy in communication.

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